- counting chamber
- счетная камера
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
counting chamber — noun see counting cell … Useful english dictionary
counting chamber — hemacytometer … Medical dictionary
Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber (counting cell) — Tho·ma Zeiss counting chamber (counting cell) (toґmah tsīsґ) [R. Thoma; Carl Zeiss, German optician, 1816–1888] see under chamber … Medical dictionary
Abbe-Zeiss counting chamber (apparatus) — Ab·be Zeiss counting chamber (apparatus) (ahґbə tsīsґ) [E.K. Abbe; Carl Zeiss, German optician, 1816–1888] Thoma Zeiss counting chamber … Medical dictionary
Abbe-Zeiss counting chamber — Thoma Zeiss counting c … Medical dictionary
Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber — a common kind of hemacytometer; called also Abbe Zeiss counting c … Medical dictionary
counting cell — noun or counting chamber : an accurately sized chamber in a microslide designed to accommodate a definite volume of fluid and usually ruled into divisions to facilitate the counting under the microscope of contained cells or bacteria … Useful english dictionary
chamber — A compartment or enclosed space. SEE ALSO: camera. [L. camera] altitude c. a decompression c. for simulating a high altitude environment, particularly its low barometric pressure. SYN: high altitude c.. anechoic c. a room designed to absorb all… … Medical dictionary
chamber — Synonyms and related words: British Cabinet, Geiger counter, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, Wilson chamber, advisory body, alpha pulse analyzer, apartment, assembly, association, atom counter, ballroom, bedchamber, bedpan, bedroom, bench, board, body,… … Moby Thesaurus
counting tube — noun : an ionization chamber designed to respond to passage through it of fast moving ionizing particles and usually connected to some device (as a Geiger counter) for counting the particles … Useful english dictionary
Cell counting — is a general name for various methods for the quantification of cells in molecular biology and in medicine. Contents 1 The need for cell counting 2 Methods 2.1 Counting chamber 2 … Wikipedia